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UsiScript : Your Script Factory
What is this tool !?
Create source code easily
Store your creation online, easy to find it later
Share your code with your colleagues and/or your friends
Search a shell script using the internal engine
Learn IT reading documentation in the
Local Library
Create a script online
Usiscript is a tool that allow you to create a shell (or Python) script, and this online (without any tool to install on your computer).
Before you start, you can :
Select the language you want. Several are proposed : Bash, Powershell, Python, Yaml, Json.
Begin from a template
. Built your script faster + avoid reinvent the wheel
If you don't know the language or the syntax
= Choose and select the object and Usiscript will convert it.
Built and try some lines without save it (like a draft), by
drag/drop objets
Main ideas
After creation, you can :
Copy/past the unique script url and send it to a friend.
Manage who can see it (private group or public).
See/Rollback an old version.
See the last user name and modification date.
Download the script.
Search / Find
Search Engine :
If you remember you've already code a script = find it using the search engine, instead of redo your work.
Search if somebody has already code something that you're looking for (instead of reinvent the wheel, or just to have some inspiration).
If you've lost the ID url of your script : It's not lost, you will find it again by search key words
You can create some documentation, Mementos or cheat sheet/Reminder. Select 'Text' like the language
Make it easier to code together :
Each modification = one version saved. So easy to see and retrieved the changements.
Each modification = last date and last writter register. Easy to see the history of the source code.
We see the name/pseudo of the writter. So you can
1 url for 1 script.
All these features, options and tools = Make Usiscript your Script Factory !
Useful external website
Tools :
= finds bugs in your shell scripts. :
= Online Bash Shell IDE :
= Code, Compile, Run and Debug Bash script online :
= Learn to Code, With the world's largest web developer site
Create shell script online. This tool help you to buit administration script. Its quicker and easier. Add to this you can manage your shell script after and share them or work with colleagues for collaborative work.